Outsource Engineering Services
Hicks Electronic Design Hicks Electronic Design


Teaming with Component Suppliers

Sometimes those looking to purchase electronic components are also looking for design help.

Larger component suppliers typically have application engineers. These engineers are often called upon to help customers design products using the components which the engineer represents. Obviously the application engineers don't have time to perform a total design for a client and that's where HED comes in. HED is a full service electrical engineering firm that can off-load the detailed design burden, allowing your application engineer to focus on increasing his contacts and promoting his products.

HED is interested in teaming with the application engineers with various component suppliers so that when they encounter clients that require design services, HED could be a first-choice recommendation. We can meet with you application engineers to describe our capabilities and can provide them with brochures for distribution to clients that demand too much of their time.

Smaller component suppliers find that they may sell more product if their components are designed into a finished assembly. HED is looking for smaller component suppliers to include a link on their web site to the HED home page. By including this link your customers can be given increased services, and increased likelihood of purchasing components from you.

Regardless of the size of the supplier, HED may be interested in advertising on your web site.

Please contact us and let's discuss the possibilities.

Contract Manufacturers

Consultants and Engineering Firms

Employment Agencies


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