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Ethernet PA Controller
Ethernet PA Controller

This product is installed into an RF Power Amplifier chassis to allow the PA to communicate with the General Dynamics DMR (Digital Modular Radio) system via the GDDS proprietary Ethernet interface. The PEP (Programmable Ethernet Port) board is a proven low-risk approach for new power amplifier vendors and has already been qualified as being compliant with the GDDS specifications in terms of timing, frequency hopping, and proprietary Ethernet message protocol. The PEP board works with HF and VHF/UHF PA designs.


The PEP board contains a PowerPC processor, Flash, SDRAM, FPGA, Ethernet, and DPRAM interfaces. The FPGA provides for filtering and processing of Ethernet messages necessary to comply with the GDDS timing requirements for frequency hopping power amplifiers. The PEP board communicates with the PA controller via a DPRAM interface and can be easily incorporated into most PA designs. The PEP board requires external 3.3V and 5.0V power and HED can design it to fit nearly any desired board outline.

Click here to download the 'Ethernet PA Controller' brochure in PDF format. (409 Kb)

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