Air Defense Radar Display Consoles |

This system was designed for the Taiwan Air Force (Republic of China) as a replacement for their
legacy display and control consoles. It provides display of the air traffic and Electronic Counter
Measures (ECM) threat environment, and allows for operation and control of the air defense radar system.

The system is composed of three components; a desk-configured display and control console, a server system, and an optional table-top console.
The lower display of the desk system shows the air traffic and missile-threat environment. It can display a map outline with range rings and allows the operator to pan and zoom to locate a particular aircraft or target of interest. In addition to showing the processed air traffic data it can also display up to six channels of “raw” or semi-processed radar video. It allows the operator to filter any combination of target speed, heading, height, and can filter the targets of interest from the sea and cloud clutter.
The upper display of the desk system shows the ECM (radar jamming) environment and allows the user to control all aspects of the air defense radar. The jamming environment can be shown in either 2D or 3D (jammer azimuth versus frequency versus amplitude). The upper display also contains window panes which allow for radar maintenance. One pane shows a block diagram of the radar system where an individual block becomes highlighted during fault conditions. Clicking on the individual block brings up detailed information regarding the subsystem status and faults.
Another window pane allows special maintenance functions to be performed which allows operators to monitor radar performance and adjust parameters such as antenna alignment.
The Server Rack receives data from the radar system and feeds it to multiple display/control consoles. The server is based upon a Linux PC and the server can record and playback up to 90 days worth of air traffic data. This is useful in resolving disputes between civilian and military aircraft.
The table-top console replicates the functions of the upper display of the desk console and is typically located in a central air command center.